Osteopathic medicine focuses on healing through health rather than disease, taking advantage of the body's own healing mechanisms. It can be used to help with chronic conditions such as headaches, sinus issues, ear infections, digestion issues, and more acute issues like neck pain and athletic injuries.
In addition, osteopathic manual medicine uses subtle body manipulations to address structural issues that could be causing you pain, weakness or impacting your body's functioning. |
Meet our Osteopathic Physicians
Patricia Reber, DO
Dr. Patricia Reber is an Osteopathic and Anthroposophic physician in private practice since 2006. She completed her Osteopathic medical training at Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2005 and completed a one-year internship in 2006. Dr. Reber combines traditional hands-on Osteopathy with supplements and Anthroposophical remedies to treat the individual patient. She collaborates with her patients to find the best treatment for their overall health. Dr. Reber is also a MELT Method instructor. The MELT Method® (MELT®) is a simple self- treatment technique that reduces chronic pain and helps you stay healthy, youthful, and active for a lifetime. Dr. Reber teaches this powerful technique to her patients and in classes. Contact Information Website 530.213.5606 |
Dr. Kristen Mackey
Born and raised in the Chicago area, Dr. Mackey received her bachelor's degree from Northwestern University. She subsequently earned her medical degree from Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in California and completed a family medicine residency at the University of Nevada Reno. Dr. Mackey has advanced training in osteopathic manual medicine, prolotherapy and neural therapy as well as Ayurveda, psychoneurobiology, functional medicine, homeopathy, autonomic response testing (ART). Additionally, she has been a Hatha yoga practitioner since 2004. Prior to medical school and yogic life, Kirsten was an NCAA Division I field hockey player and a competitive snowboarder. It was her injuries and health issues during this time that introduced the importance of a holistic approach to healing. When she’s not learning, teaching or treating clients she enjoys singing and writing songs, rock climbing, snowboarding and hiking with her dog-child, Azzie. Contact Information Website Book Here 530.213.0709 |