Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapies:
Acupuncture, Cupping, Gua Sha, Nutrition, Herbal Therapy, Supplements
Holistic Aesthetics:
Micro Needling, Micro Current, Facial Acupuncture
Advanced Lab Analysis
Meet our Practitioner
Tara Kulikov Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, L.Ac. Customized Wellness Therapy and Aesthetics Dr. Tara Kulikov has a doctorate degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and a masters degree in Exercise Science, Kinesiology and has over 20 years of experience working with a variety of patients. She has advanced training in certain areas that include sports medicine, nutrition and holistic aesthetics. Her vision is to inspire and educate patients to make health a priority at every stage of life working towards a long and healthy life.