Acupuncture was developed thousands of years ago by the Chinese to bring balance and harmony to one's body and eliminate illness. The base of the medicine is to bring balance between yin and yang. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), when yin and yang are balanced, they work together with the natural flow of qi (energy) to help the body achieve and maintain health. Thin needles are used to stimulate the body’s qi within energetic pathways that are called meridians. Acupuncture points are located along the meridians and stimulate different areas of the body.
Meet our Practitioner
Erica Vessells, LAc, MTCM Erica has a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches Institute in Santa Cruz, Ca. She focused her studies on Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Medical Qi Gong, and completed the Five Element program. She also studied abroad in China, concentrating on pediatrics at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, in Hangzhou. Erica specializes in helping people with stress, depression, anxiety, and pain relief. Before attending Five Branches, Erica received her Emergency Medical Technician training at Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo, Ca. Working as an EMT in the hospital emergency department, Erica gained years of experience in Western Medicine. With the knowledge of both Western and Eastern Medicine, she combines these theories and modalities to properly diagnose and treat each individual patient. Erica takes a holistic and integrative approach in helping people obtain balanced health and wellness. Erica is a mother and advocate for people with special needs. Contact Information 530.414.3631 |
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